Our products
- Quality-assured and up-to-date information
- Scorecards for optimum credit rating and decision support
- Monitoring that detects risk in your portfolio
- The possibility of upgrading your subscription to include other useful products and services
- Qualified decisions that increase profitability. Say YES to the right customers!
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Credit information private individuals

CreditEasy offers quality-assured information about private individuals. This means that you can reduce the risk of losses, at the same time as you acquire a solid decision-support basis that enables you to optimise the management of your customer portfolio.
- We help you to determine who is able and willing to pay.
- We help you to ensure that the right credit limits are offered to the right customers.
Our database contains information about approximately 4.3 million Norwegians, and it meets all your needs in connection with credit assessment of private individuals.
Read more about credit information individualsCredit information private individuals contains information such as basic personal data, Decision Score Person, tax assessment (past three years), estimated gross income, name and address history, business interests, non-payment records and any security furnished voluntarily.
Decision Score Person tells you in a simple and user-friendly manner which customers have a high, medium and low risk of default. On the basis of extensive analyses, we have identified the most important variables that best predict the likelihood of a person defaulting on commercial credit (non-payment record or debt collection) during the next 12 months. These variables, by themselves or in combination, decide which zone a person belongs to. In addition to the statistical likelihood of defaulting on commercial credit, we also employ a set of overriding policy rules that may affect the decision to grant credit.
LukkCredit information company

CreditEasy offers quality-assured information about enterprises. This means that you can reduce the risk of losses, at the same time as you acquire a solid decision-support basis that enables you to optimise the management of your customer portfolio.
- We help you to find new, profitable customers.
- We detect risk so that you avoid losses and save time and money.
- We help you to ensure that the right credit limits are offered to the right customers.
On the basis of valuable, quality-assured information about all legal enterprises registered in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities, we help our customers to reduce the risk of losses through optimum credit ratings and decision support. Our solution is suitable for large, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Read more about credit information companyOur database contains both critical information such as accounts, non-payment records and credit scores, and in-depth information such as historical records, industry information, composition of the board of directors and information about signatures/powers of procuration.
The following three main elements make our service unique:
Decision Score Company calculates the likelihood of insolvency (winding-up proceedings, compulsory liquidation, insolvency and/or voluntary debt settlement) for an enterprise during the next 12 months. Several other variables, separately and in combination, determine the score. In addition to the statistical probability, our unique policy rules also affect the credit rating.
Payment Index ranks limited liability companies (AS) based on their probability of default of payment, i.e. the estimated probability of non-payment 90 days after the case was sent for debt collection.
Decision Limit calculates the recommended maximum credit for the enterprise types AS, ASA, BA, BBL, GFS and SPA that belong to zones 3-5. The model is a supplement to Decision Score Company, and it helps to ensure that the right credit limits are offered to the right customers.

Our monitoring service alerts you of any changes in your corporate customer portfolio. You receive an email message as soon as a change occurs, whether it concerns new accounts, new non-payment records or changed creditworthiness.
- Monitoring gives you an overview of your customers, at the same time as you avoid losses on receivables and save time and resources.
- Monitoring existing customers is important, as they account for 80% of all losses.
It is important to carry out a credit check of new customers, but it is equally important to maintain a good overview of existing customers. Creditworthiness may change from one day to the next, and even customers who appear to be financially sound may suddenly become insolvent.
Read more about monitoringIf you monitor your customer portfolio, you no longer need to carry out regular credit checks of your customers. Instead, you will immediately receive notification of important events such as bankruptcies/ dissolutions, striking-off and changed scores. You administer the monitoring portfolio yourself and can freely add or remove customers if you wish to start/stop monitoring them.
You will automatically receive notification by email when one or more of the following elements change: Decision Score, policy rule, merger/demerger, insolvency, dissolution, striking-off, non-submission of accounts, submission of accounts, non-payment records, general manager, composition of the board of directors, share capital, auditor, name of enterprise, address, in liquidation and notified voluntary arrangement. We also offer specified monitoring where you select the elements that your company needs to monitor.

As a Bisnode customer you can order international credit reports via our website. Now also available: NBK Nordic Business Key - a sales & marketing solution which helps you find new profitable customers in your target market.
- Credit check your business contacts worldwide
- Gain direct access to critical news regarding your customers
- Find the optimal prospective customers for your company
Nordic credit reports - direct access to company reports from Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
You can now order Nordic credit reports via our website. The reports are available in English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish. All reports are updated daily and include a credit rating from the Nordic rating model AAA. It estimates how creditworthy a company is on a scale from AAA - highest creditworthiness, to C - lowest creditworthiness.
International credit reports - order credit reports on companies worldwide
Now you have the opportunity to credit check your business contacts - worldwide. D&B Interactive have over 130 million reports on companies from all over the world and offer various reports to match your specific needs: D&B Compact Report, D&B Report, D&B Comprehensive Report (within the EU) and Business Information Report (outside the EU).
Nordic Business Key (NBK) - a sales & marketing solution which helps you find new profitable customers in your target market - throughout Scandinavia
Whether you're searching for potential customers in defined target markets or simply looking for financially secure companies to do business with in general, NBK helps you find prospects based on your specific needs. NBK offers you daily updated information on addresses, trades, decision-makers, sales/turnover etc. Choose between several search criteria to create the optimal prospect list for your company!
LukkData cleansing / Data extraction

Correct data is a precondition for any enterprise that has customer portfolios of a certain size. We can help you with this by cleansing the data in your customer portfolio.
- We update your customer database with correct information
- We add valuable information to your customer portfolio
By cleansing the data in your customer portfolio, the customer database is updated and information is added at your request. We identify enterprises/persons and update the information with correct data from our databases.
Read more about data cleansingWe add valuable information to your customer portfolio, such as general contact information, creditworthiness, financial information and non-payment records.
We also extract information from our databases based on predefined criteria. It is up to you to decide what information to include, for example information about industry, turnover, creditworthiness, postal code, county and enterprise form.